lundi 21 novembre 2011

A french report about wolves and lynx

A french report went on October 5th on France 3 in the TV show "Enquête de région" (Region Investigation) : the subject was "In the footsteps of the wolf."

It goes around the current problem of wolves and draws a parallel with the lynx (see minute 36' of the report). This survey is very interesting to watch because the main categories of persons involved in the lynx appear:

(in order of appearance)

- Emmanuel Cretin from the association LPO Franche-Comte
- Gilles Moyne, director of the care center ATHENAS
- Patrice Raydelet, founder of the association “Pôle Grands Prédateurs” (Pole Large Predators)
This is the link (it's in french):

     Coming soon, the first data I found after the meeting of:
FARRUGIA Raphael, a sheep farmer in Bonnefontaine (Jura) and Chairman of the Union Sheep in Franche-Comté

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